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Women's Ministry




The Women's Ministry of FBCSCW began officially in 2005.  It is an essential component in the life of our church  as it provides women opportunities to grow in their relationship to Christ, and to build relationships with other women.  It allows for concentrated time together studying God's Word, discussing God's Word and hearing how God is moving and working in the lives of the women of the church.  Further, our families and our church are enriched as women grow closer to our Lord and to each other.  


There are four "pillars" of any Women's Ministry which are crucial to its success.  These are study, service, support and social.  Each of these is an integral part of the FBCSCW Women's Ministry and activities and events are planned throughout the year to focus on these "pillars."






God’s Tapestry of Life

(replacing Single Only Sisters — Now includes ALL Women!)




God’s Tapestry of Life is a Women’s Ministry event that will have fellowship, lunch and a fun activity associated with it. The Women’s Fellowship Lunch is a Women’s Ministry event that focuses on getting to know each other better.  These two events will alternate meeting on the second Monday of each month, unless otherwise publicized.


© 2021 by First Baptist Church - Sun City West

17419 N. Conquistador Drive, Sun City West | 623-584-5738 |

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